Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Of thoughts, books and irritating news readers..

Doing a little bit of an experiment today using the LOG feature of the notepad to write the BLOG :) Actually it happens often that when you sit to write something, you draw a blank and at all other times of the day thoughts keep jamming in your mind and keeping it busy. So thought of jotting them down as and when they come up. Please note that this is not a "Dear diary.." type of a blog on how I spent my day. But it's more a collection of various thoughts throughout the day that I feel are worth sharing. The timestamp below is just to emphasize that these thoughts cropped up at different times of the day and may be in part if not completely unrelated to each other.

12:32 PM 4/27/2010

"The price must be paid and the process followed. You always reap what you sow; there is no shortcut."

4:27 PM 4/27/2010

Thought of buying a voice recorder so that I could capture my thoughts on the go. Because there are times when interesting things are going on in your head you are discussing, articulating, arguing with yourself on something but then soon you are jolted back to the reality of life and everything vanishes.Looked for some on the Amazon. The first one that a picked had a bad review, the other didn't have any review. Then thought if iphone had a voice recording feature. I know it does record videos but I just want to record the voice and keep the visual distractions at bay. Still can't make up my mind :( For those wondering why would I want to record my own thoughts, I have always had a secret ambition (not so secret now that I am revealing it
 now) to get a book published of my own. And I am not a natural writer who can come up with ideas at will but a more instinctive one the idea, the thought is there but it disappears as quickly as it comes, thus the need to capture it... 

4:47 PM 4/27/2010

How fascinating is the way a good book provokes your thoughts ..sets the train of thoughts running..I think that the mark of a good book is that it lets you sit back and introspect, evaluate what you just read..after every few pages.

11:09 PM 4/27/2010

While watching an old interview of Amir khan yesterday on youtube available in 5 parts (http://bit.ly/dx3Wza) I felt the lady taking the interview was rude and insensitive at times so much so that it looked as if Amir was left in tears. And a blog entry from Vir Sanghvi ( http://bit.ly/aR8nP0 ) set me wondering about the old Doordarshan days when celebrity guests were held in awe. The person taking the interviews were polite and cultured. The interview often started with the host giving the glittering details of the achievements of the guest. Questions were short and often open ended which left the guest with ample time to speak his mind and his heart. And the viewers got more insight into the mind scape of the guest. obviously if a person is worthy enough of being invited for interview on national television he must have something special.
The interviews were more focused on the positives of the person so that "the aam junta" could see the person as a role model. Nowadays, the hosts speak most of the time, are not afraid/ashamed of interrupting the guest, are loud and more importantly bent upon ridiculing the guest so that they can create sensational stuff at the cost of civility. Leave alone interviews, most news channels have news readers shouting at the top of their voices as if that would  make the news they are reading more credible. The Shrill voices and over-enthusiastic clumsy reporters clamoring for their two minutes of fame have forced me to stay away from news channels forever. I rely more on the Internet today at least I can choose what I want to read and filter out the junk.
But still often I wonder will we ever have anyone close to the Shammi Narangs and Ghazala Amins of yore..

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