Was checking the reviews for Bollywood movies released this week which included an animation film: “Ramayana – the epic”. Some said it was good others said there was no story – there was no innovation or inventiveness in the film. I have not yet seen the movie but to be honest I believe reinventing a story that has been told atleast a billion times can be daunting.
Mahabharat and Ramayan has been told and retold countless times – in books, films, TV, folklore but still there is something that we never get enough of them. Anyways I am not writing about them today, we all know how great these scriptures are.
I just wanted to share with you a film on Ramayan. One of the reviewers had mentioned this film in his review so I just tried my luck on Youtube and guess what.. I was not disappointed :) Actually the film has been made under a creative commons license and cannot be released commercially so the best way for the maker to reach the audiences was to share it on Youtube (Also seems like the maker struggled long with the copyright holders of the 80-year-old songs recorded by Annette Hanshaw which made it difficult for them to release it commercially).
The name of the film is “Sita Sings the Blues”. The “Blues” in the title is a pun intended to reflect the music genre that is used to take the story forward and as well as the suffering she has to go through. The film is a modern take on the story from Sita’s perspective. The film apparently is based on the experiences of the maker Nina Paley whose husband had dumped her after moving to India. So when she was introduced to Ramayan, she couldn’t help but draw parallels between herself and Sita.
I think it is a nice third party.. I say third party as she is not an Indian.. so she will have an unbiased view. As Indians we consider these scriptures holy and sacred; hence don’t dare to question them. But the film is not at all offensive ( as per me) as I said it’s a neutral modern take on the story.. it just asks a few questions.. and it answers some while others are just left unanswered. The movie really impresses as it cuts all the distractions and focuses on the main plot involving Sita. There are flaws like for example Lakshman’s character is almost missing but the film overall gets the point across.
One more word of caution is that the film amply uses “Blues” (the music) . Nearly half of the film has songs so people who don’t like the genre will have to be more patient. But all in all if you are bored of hearing the same story again and again there is a good attempt at alternative story telling.
Let me know what you think of it……